The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1247782
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-04 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Ron, this was your opening statement in this thread:

"Some of you people are great spin doctors, but you really don't have a clue."

Not exactly the way to get off on the right foot. And as if that flaming example of sanctimoniousness wasn't bad enough, you started shooting your mouth off, like you always do, trying to make yourself sound like the resident expert for us lowly hoi polloi.

When it was brought to your attention that you had, in fact, gotten more than a few of your salient facts WRONG, you attacked. When BillD said, "Oh I get it, he is a sleazy politician" your condescending reply was:

""sleaze" might be a bit harsh.   Very opportunistic is a better description."

Then, you descended into political partisan tribal warrior mode with this:

"Bill Clinton was not the one..."

and this:

"There were plenty of Republicans who..."

and this:

"The Republican Menace..."

And all that was BEFORE I ever posted on 13 Aug 04 - 06:25 PM
with a very polite post. Your reply? Here it is:

"Guest, you are doing a lot of spin doctoring yourself, and you are basically lieing in your last post."

Now Ron, let's be honest. It isn't all of us, but YOU who started with the name calling.

When you call people liars for no reason, and arrogantly dismiss their politely expressed opinion with contemptuous remarks, just how do you expect people to respond to you?

The only person in need of apologizing for bad behaviour in this thread is the person who instigated the bad behavior to begin with: YOU.