The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1247878
Posted By: GUEST,Weird NJ
15-Aug-04 - 02:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!

are you from New Jersey? Or do you work there? I
wonder because you refer to all these scandals that you claim were "about to engulf his administration." But really, his has not been an unusually scandalous term.

You refer to a shady federal probe into "financial wrongdoing" including "hiring his largest campaign contributors."

Really. His two largest campaign contributors could make more money as State employees than at whatever they did before? Not likely.

Perhaps he was going to give them...oh, I don't know...No-Bid contracts? Honestly, if there is any institution which cannot credibly consider doing favors for campaign contributors to be wrongdoing, it is the federal government. Any probe targeted on that issue was merely Bush's camp using the justice department to try to depose any Democrat they can. So McGreevy is guilty.

Of being a Democrat.

What has become clear in the last two days is that McGreevy's resignation was forced on him by blackmail. There was no credible reason for the lover to drop his threatened sexual harassment suit, except that the threat had been intended to blackmail the Governor, and the Governor called his bluff. If the lover had hope of substantial damages, which he undoubtedy would if his allegations were true, he would have sued. Thus I conclude he had no chance; thus I conclude his allegations are untrue. So the most vulnerability the governor has is on the question of his hiring this lover to various jobs.

As for the "head of homeland security" claim, that's a little exaggerated. It was a consultant position on homeland security in question. And did (say) Tom Ridge get the homeland security job? Was it because he's an intelligence expert? No. It was political patronage. This was just another form of patronage.   So again, McGreevy is guilty.

Of Nepotism.

Get over it, people.