The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1248111
Posted By: GUEST,Josh
15-Aug-04 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Albion, that was a seriously well belanced, well maintained statement from you and it got me thinking a lot. Well done sir!

After that 'inside the BNP' documentary I a fair few people agreed with the critical elements that the leader was saying and as my father put it, a retired editor of a Fleet Street newspaper put it, if they did not have a thuggish element and weren't so extremist, they would be a getting a lot more votes.

Focusing a little, Brucie - as I said a little earlier, the chances of me voting again for the BNP are minimal, as I realised how extreme the vote was.

Of course I would help any person who was in dire need from a country's perspective, condencing my view into its purest form: Look after number one. We should sort ourselves out before we start giving it to others. The slums we have in this country are appauling, inner parts of London are a mess, and in Manchester - Moss Side is a real no go area for a white person on his / her own. Crime continues to increase, poverty widen, and health service crisis continue to loom.

The Sudan crisis - well harshly putting it, there is always some country in Africa in trouble and it is always the west that has to come to the rescue, namely America, but they never get any thanks, and then they get blamed for persecuting Muslims... aren't most African nations populated by a majority of Muslims??? Just a note, my aunt works as a teacher in Tanzania, one of the poorest african nations.

Weelittledrummer - that is all very true. I had high intentions of joining the RAF to serve my own personal part to our country but I was told go to uni first. After university, I am most likely to join the air services.

I only posted on here as at first, it just seemed like a discussion forum which actually, for once, had a group of relatively intelligent people. I didn't realise at the time that its main orientation was blue music etc.

Sorry for pissing anyone off but this is a current and deadly topic in the UK and many people in the UK are getting sick of the current government.
