The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72452   Message #1248276
Posted By: Bobert
15-Aug-04 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
Subject: RE: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
Well, Chuck Hemrick, I have never hidden the fact here at Madcat that I am of Christain Faith but would take exception to your assumption that the "left" has much of an influence on the church or the policies of the government. You chose the 60's as the turnining point. To me and many other Christains, yes, the 60's was an important decade because many of us saw first hand what's behind those nice suits, dresses abd pot luck dinners at the church in Thursday nights and what we found wasn't at all pretty... Yep, I'm not sure where you were going to chucrn then, or if you were going to church but in thre church I grew up in, our fine caring minister was run out of the church for, ahhhh, being against the Vietnam War. So were many families, including my own where my father was a decon. Yep, this is what I saw and, rwll ya what, it was ugle and so unlike anything that I had been taught about the way Jesus wants us to live.

And it wasn't just my church that purged itself of them "commie bleeding heart peacenics" but churches across America as intolerant heathens showed loving compassionate folks to the door... Now I'm not going to say it was like that in every church but I don't think you would find too many liberal Chrisatins who went thru it that don't have similar stories about their churches.

Now, just in case an pinkos goy thru the first purge we have the anti-gay movement spreading thru what's left of Christain churches, further isolating anyone who might actaully believe in tolerance and love so that these folks will next be shown the door.

Now as Jerry Rasmussen pointed out this has not hit the black churches and I can honestly say that as a white Christain the only church I have felt comfortable in since the 60's are black churches, Oh, I'm sure this will get some folks going but, hey, its the truth. Seems that Jesus has holed up in them while white Christains figure out how to either get their churches back or start new ones...

As per usual, MO...
