The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1248311
Posted By: PoppaGator
15-Aug-04 - 10:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
The headline on the Associated Press story in this morning's Sunday Times-Picayune (New Orleans) says "NJ Gov's Resignation / Not Due to Being Gay."

So there.

A number of openly gay politicians were quoted about how they were able to keep their jobs, ghet re-elected, etc. The concensus was that McGreevey's errors in judgement, and his (perceived?) corruption, were the real reasons for his demise. Of curse, the gay affair was the catalyst for all the other bad news coming out (pun intended).

Some of you may claim that McG was not already in political trouble, but it looks to be like he must have been. There's no other reason an incumbent's own party would be so anxious to run a new face rather than have the established guy stand for re-election.