The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72416   Message #1248326
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
15-Aug-04 - 10:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
Subject: RE: BS: NJ Gay Governor quits!
PoppaGator, you are right. As we've said, his sexuality had nothing to do with his decision to quit.

I don't think anyone meant to say that McGreevey was not in political hotwater. While he has yet to be directly charged with anything, there is a stigma about his ethics. There is no doubt that McGreeveys associations made him a less than desirable candidate. The question is, why would he resign now? The signs seems to point to the potential lawsuit by the man that was reportedly his lover. The details that potentially would have come out of this personal lawsuit apparently would have caused more problems than McGreevey could have dealt with while in office. His admission also brought the issue to light before he was slapped with a lawsuit. It appears to be a very calculated move.

Could he have made it through his term if this potential sexual harrasment charge did not exist? Perhaps. Would he have been re-elected? I doubt it.

Until this harrassment charge came to light, the best thing for the Democratic Party would have been for McGreevey to announce that he would not seek a second term.   This mess is creating so many questions that whoever the Democrats choose will have trouble.

Of course, the NJ Republican Party is not a bed of roses either. No wonder we've had carpetbaggers in the past.