The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72381   Message #1248350
Posted By: Kent Davis
15-Aug-04 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religion
Subject: RE: BS: Religion
Dear guest and others who may be interested,
I wasn't offended that you thought I was Protestant; I was just pointing out that I'm not. As you might suspect from my 100% Eastern Orthodox, 100% Roman Catholic, 93% Protestant "score", we differ from the Protestants in some respects. What we are trying to do (I didn't way that we always succeeded...) is to return to the basics that the Roman Catholics, the Protestants, the Copts, the Eastern Orthodox, etc. all agree on. They agree that the New Testament is the basis for faith, so we try to base our faith on the New Testament alone. If the New Testament doesn't address a particular topic, we try to apply New Testament principles, but try to avoid making new rules that Christ or His apostles never made.
We keep our worship simple. In general, our singing in worship is "a capella" as it was in the very early church, as it is among the Primitive Baptists, the Amish, and, I believe, among at least some of the Eastern Orthodox churches. Contrary to rumor, we do not think instruments are bad; we just don't use them when we worship together. (In explaining this, I find it helpful to use analogies: We don't think peanut butter is bad, but we don't spread it on the wafer. We don't think bath oil is bad, but we don't put it in the baptismal water. If these analogies don't help, please ignore them.) We are not a denomination because we don't find any authority in New Testament for setting up a denominational structure. Therefore, we don't have a creed (unless you consider the Bible itself a creed) or an earthly headquarters, and each congregation is independent. Thanks for asking. Hope this helps.