The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72365   Message #1248440
Posted By: The Shambles
16-Aug-04 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: Young Folkies?
Subject: RE: Young Folkies?
Possibly my last contribution was not as clear as thought and may need a little more explanation.

I was making music at the same time and in many of the same places as Nick Drake and got to see him perform live quite a few times, before his sad and early death. His music is now thought by many to be cool and recommended to and by 'young folkies - when this music is in fact the same age as this old fart'(me)...........

However, I have aged along with my music and if performed or heard without seeing me, my music (unseen) may, I hope be appreciated and even possibly be thought now to be cool to 'young folkies' in the same way as Nick Drake's (I wish). However , on sight, a 53 year old fart like me, seen performing, would unlikely to be thought to be cool enough to recommend their music making to other 'young folkies'.

Nick's music has aged along with me but photos will show and present an image of a handsome young man (forever)in his early twenties. I would have once fitted that description (well possibly not the handsome bit).

However, no matter how old, uncool and 'past it' I and others of that surviving generation may be considered by 'young folkies', I am still here, (just about) to be considered. And I am still able to make new (young?) music. Or does new music have to be made only by those still young?