The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72452   Message #1249348
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
17-Aug-04 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
Subject: RE: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
it should be stated that there is no reference to Jesus in the US Constitution. Hardly an argument for a Christian nation.

Also, John Adams informed the island of Barbary Coast to it's Muslim inhabitants, "We are not a Christian nation."

Tom Jefferson in his letter to the Baptists reaffirmed his view of separation of Church and State. Jefferson would not recognize the religion of the right-wing evangelicals today as being a valid Christianity.

The Ten Commandments were based on The Code of Hannarabi, a pre-Christian ideal from the Indus Valley.

In short, the so-called religious Right-wing evangelicals have hi-jacked Jesus for their own political advantage. They seek to impose their limited moral values on the rest of society by offering the ruse that God is somehow being outlawed. This is not true. Any school kid has the right to pray whenever he or she wishes as long as it's not forced down the throat of others who have the right not to.

The US is not a Theocracy and never will be. For the evangelists, it's a losing battle and they only hurt themselves by ignoring in economic disparity in the country today.
