The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72498   Message #1249889
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
17-Aug-04 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Cricket Shite?
I just realised. This guy is a genius. A mind like that could deconstruct the entire universe.

Cricket is of course shite, as he says.

The works of Shakespeare just some people on a stage talking, complete shite.

Music; thats just people plonking away away on instruments, you couldn't get more shite than that.

Great cuisine of the world; thats like meat and vegetables and fish and stuff, somebody's been pissing about with.

Theres only one word for the culture as we know it.

And now he's pointed it out.

Well done!