The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55102   Message #1250391
Posted By: wysiwyg
18-Aug-04 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: thread name game
Subject: RE: BS: thread name game
Let's start with a press conference Q&A session:

Q: What does the slug sing?
A: "One of our farts is missing," "Oil will run out," and "He'll be Marching for war."

Q: What do cockroaches want?
A: Hedgehogs!

Q: Is Cricket Shite?
A: No peace in the smallest room.....

Q: What Do Women Want???...
A: Bones.

Q: What do men want?
A: Mudcat Slam Books?

Q: What Do Sheep Want?
A: Legalize Pot.

Q: What to engrave on wedding band?
A: Happy Birthday Jacqui C and Raedwulf!

Q: What would you stick your hand up?

Q: Who will be going to Sidmouth next year?
A: Sensitive Bloke.

Q: What's a Rinktum?
A: Accoustic or Plugged?

Q: What is a killick?
A: The Drover Boy.

Q: Band's Sound Equip't-- Who Buys?
A: Cindy, a Hooker on Bleaker St.!

In other news:

Three word story: Why you don't like gay marriage

Acoustic or Plugged Great American Bum?

What I know about consciousness: Matter and Spirit

Hurricane songs: Mad Professor Bly by Andy Breckman, and Blow Liza Blow (from Lomax, Bahamas 1935)

Get out on the road: Beltaine Chase Song

She Had a Dark and a Rovin' Eye-- Songs from TV westerns.......

Can't-win-for-losin' song: Band Membership-- Core Plus Others?

When It's Sweet Onion Time in Bermuda, Farewell Regality!

Mudcat FAQ - Newcomer's Guide: How many fishes?

Click here for spyware removal, Dick Snell's The Bold Pirate

Newfoundland Nude Accordionist Calendar: Where are you Paul McNeill?

The Care And Feeding Of Muses: Time in the Son

THE DAY THEY CAME FOR MUDCAT: New Iraqi Head of Govt Murders Prisoners

What if - history: Political Jokes
