The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72560   Message #1250957
Posted By: GUEST,chuck hemrick
18-Aug-04 - 09:00 PM
This weekend I spent some time with an elderly artist whose continually failing vision now prevents her from pursuing her lifelong love. Somehow the conversation came around to the coming elections and she said that she thought Bush was going to lose.

I asked her why and she replied that all she hears is bad things about him. It was then I realized that in spending 15 hours a day in front of a massive flat screen TV, which she hears more than sees, she is absorbing only the biased coverage of current events presented on those channels hosting her favorite programs, which themselves are tainted with liberal propaganda.

Her daughter, who was present for the conversation, thought I was thrilled because a Viet Nam war hero was running for president. Although she enjoys a lifestyle completely opposite of that of her mother, she too gets the bulk of her news and political opinion from television. Her jaw hit the table when I explained Kerry's carefully orchestrated Viet Nam sham.

Both are registered voters. Neither had a clue about the true agenda of the candidates. Absent my intervention, both would have voted for Kerry - the mother because in her mind, Bush is bad, and the daughter out of respect for Viet Nam veterans like me.

The sad reality is that this situation can be multiplied by millions. These are the voters being effectively targeted by the Democrats, with the assistance of both the entertainment and news media.

Being political persons, we are all familiar with the Bush Bad - Kerry Hero litany, and being political persons, we all know better. Unfortunately, Americans with either very busy lives or no lives at all, are being blindsided by the donkey dropping splashed all over their TV screens and above the fold on the front pages of their syndicated daily newspapers.

We can sit here and educate each other until the cows come home, but we are preaching to the choir. If between now and November 2 we don't make it our mission to enlighten our friends and families, we could find ourselves flying Old Glory upside down on November 3.