The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72560   Message #1251152
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
19-Aug-04 - 03:29 PM
The issue shouldn't be about Viet Nam.   If that were the case than Bob Dole should have beaten Bill Clinton.   If is far more important to me the 20 years of voting records after Viet Nam, than the 4 month Kerry served in Viet Nam.

The only reason Viet Nam is the issue is because Kerry made it the issue by constantly brining it up in the primaries, campaigning with the Swift Boat soldier whose life he saved, and my making it the central theme of the DNC convention.   Therefore Viet Nam is in play for both sides.   How many medals did Bob Dole or George HW Bush win? No one knows because both never brought them up in campaigning.

Who is telling the truth about Viet Nam.   If it were one or two people who opposed Kerry I would give it little credibiility.   When there are 60 decorated war hero's who signed an affadavit against Kerry with an additonal 250 on record against Kerry with 15 of the 20 officers in the famous Kerry picture also against Kerry (with only one officer in the picture supporting him) you have to give it some credence.

Kerry has already changed his story 5 times on Cambodia. He testified that it was seared in his mind that he was in Cambodia in Christmas 1968 when Nixon was president.   Than he said he wasn't in Cambodia. Then he said he was on 2 secret missions to Cambodia.   Then he said he was 50 miles from Cabodia.   All accounts conclude that Kerry was never in Cambodia in 1968.    They only thing that hasn't changed is the Swift Boat Veterans story.

PS- we spent two months reviewing the Bush dental records to see if he was in the national guard.    Did anyone in the press notice that Nixon was not president during Christmas 1968.   HELLO-it may be seared in Kerry's mind but it is not true.

Today Kerry came out and admitted that he left the battle after another boat hit a mine contradicting two weeks ago when he said he never left the battle.   Meanwhile Kerry surrogates attack the swift boat sailors and there source of funding without disputing their facts.    It seems to me that the Swift boat sailors have more credibility than Kerry does.    I have no doubt that Kerry did save the one sailors life.    That does not negate the other acts.

As far as medals- remember LBJ.   He won the Medal of Honor.   When they traced it back they found he flew one 13 minute flight as an observer and never went into enemy territory and never took enemy fire.   Yet- LBJ was the only one of his 13 member crew to get the Medal of Honor for this "corrageous" act.   Clearly a political favor.   One politiician has stated publicly "never has a least deserved medal been shown as much"

For those of you having trouble finding it- the book is #3 on the NY times best seller list.   #1 is Tommy Franks, # 2 is Bill Clinton. I guess Bill is surrounded.