The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72579   Message #1251387
Posted By: BB
19-Aug-04 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Jack Crawford
Subject: Lyr Req: Jack Crawford
While we were in Broadstairs last week, an old boy from Essex who's always around during Folk Week asked me if I knew a song called ' Jack Crawford', which I didn't. He could remember the tune and a bit of the first verse, and I promised to try to get the words for him. The only trace of it that I can find on the web is in the Northumbrian Minstrelsy(?) set of recordings, in which it appears to have been recorded by The Hush/Bob Fox. Now I can't afford to buy a CD to get the words of a song for someone else, but if anyone has it, or knows the song and could transcribe the words, I would be most grateful. When I say 'old boy', he must be in his 80s and isn't likely to even sing it in public, much less make money out of it, so I don't feel that I'd be doing anyone out of anything by passing it on.

As far as I can gather, Jack Crawford was from Sunderland and was on board ship in Nelson's time, and, as it was described to me, took the colours up the mast three times. Don't know whether it's a trad. song or a modern one from an existing tale or what.

Hope someone can help.
