The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72557   Message #1252121
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
20-Aug-04 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: Obit: The old me...
Subject: RE: Obit: The old me...
" least it was made by a sincere Catholic..." A peculiar endorsement, FoF. Cardinal Ratzinger, the Vatican's top theologian (in fact head of the Inquisition), is presumably a sincere catholic. He starts from the premise that every church outside catholicism is in error. Well OK, they probably are, but there's the laughable implication that his own is not.

"Um, it's a bit early to conclude you have a special mission here." Thus spake WYSIWYG (I love the "um"s). Well certainly WYSIWYG, aka Praise(!), held off for a few days after her first post, but she's more than made up for that slow start. My advice, FoF, would be to carry on the way you've started, and if you Christians start squabbling among yourselves, please keep it in the threads. None of this burying it in PMs.