The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72624   Message #1252523
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
20-Aug-04 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Seems to me the important questions in this election should supercede the individual personalities of the candidates, and that what we are seeing is the dominance of personal attacks to the detriment of a useful discussion of real problems...and if there ever was a time to address real issues, it is now. These are questions that have helped me to decide who I will support. Do you have questions of your own (other than if Kerry lied to get his medals, or if Bush is on sedatives)? What are the REAL issues that need to be addressed?

Do you believe that the people of the United States were intentionally deceived into supporting a war in Iraq?

Do you believe that the continuing war in Iraq is productive or counter-productive to the spread of terrorist attacks against the United States?

Do you believe that the government-appointed 911 Commission has made an honest effort to investigate events leading up to the World Trade Center attack, or do you believe that its members conducted a biased witch-hunt against the Bush Administration?

Do you believe that infingements on the Bill of Rights are a necessary means of rooting out terrorists, or do you think these infringements strike at the heart of our freedom and our form of government?

Do you think that the Bush tax cuts are benefitting the people of this country?

Do you see the existence of the largest federal deficit in history as unimportant and at best a means of reducing the size and scope of the government? Or do you think that using social security tax funds to pay interest on this debt and borrowing the balance from Japan and Europe is irresponsible ?

Do you think less time should be spent studying alternative energy sources and more time devoted to going after remaining petroleum sources?

Do you think that, confronted with numerous small-scale wars, nuclear proliferation in third-world countries, and terrorism on a global scale, the United States best serves the interest of its people by "going it alone", or by building a consensus among the countries of the world to gain support for global solutions?

Should tax advantages be given to companies to use as they see fit, or should they be more closely tied to manufacture and employment based in this country?

Do you think that our schools would function better if the Ten Commandments were a part of the curriculum?