The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72394   Message #1252866
Posted By: Rasener
21-Aug-04 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: singaround/session definitions?
Subject: RE: singaround/session definitions?
You sound as though you are knocking me.

Firstly, I put a lot of time and effort into running this club all for nowt. I have decided how I want this club to run, and one good factor is that I have, is that I don't sing or play, so I look at each performer as a listener and not as a musician.

I could of course stop running the club and then who loses out then.

It gets up my goat when artists moan about the way a club is run. There are many people who moan, but are not prepared to run a club themselves.

There needs to be a variety of clubs, and then you as an artist decide which style you like, and frequent that club(s). You should not be criticising something you don't like - just acknowledge that it isn't your style.

Nobody has managed to set up a Folk Club before in Market Rasen, so I consider that an achievement.

In the six months that it has been running, many local artists have performed at the club, and turned out some smashing nights. I consider it as a team effort from the artists and the people who put the effort in to make the club run. Without either the club doesn't run.

If you are able to deliver a decent performance for 20 minutes without pieces of paper flowing everywhere, in front of an audience, then you will be very welcome to play.

If you are not knocking the way I run the club, then please accept my sincere apologies.

Anybody else who wants to knock by all means, but you eventually are the losers because if people like me decide to give up running a club, you don't have anywhere to play.

There that has got that off my chest.

Now can we all move forward and support each other for the benefit of all folk musicians and lets not forget the audiences. :-)