The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1252878
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
21-Aug-04 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
we can control them, use them for our own purposes....isn't that what the Germans middle classes thought initially.

In truth they are a pestilence on all that is decent and democratic about our society, they are not to be tolerated.

the harm they did even in my time has been incalculable.

In the 70's , they called themselves the National Front. The Anti Nazi League set out to combat them. This body of left wingers disrupted every election speech James Callaghan made in 1979 and as a result Thatcher was elected.

In the 2nd year of her reign we lost 28% of the manafacturing capablity of this country. Then we lost the mines, most of the steel industry and we had a hard drugs industry and beggars on the street for the first time in living memory.

All done to the strains of Rule Britannia

spare me your bloody patriotism. No real patriot, nobody who really loved this country ever voted for Thatcher , Tebbit, or their accomplices on the far right.