The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72624   Message #1253007
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
21-Aug-04 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: RE: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
And the beat goes on...
We seem to be more concerned with the swiftboat controversy than we are with the depletion of the Social Security fund for payment of the national debt, or the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Has it come down to the necessary motivation for supporting a candidate becoming anger, betrayal, and retribution? It really seems that personal attacks are replacing honest disagreement in my country.

As Richard Clarke said on a recent Face the Nation in regard to Michael Moore's claim of special treatment for and collusion with the Saudi royal family, "there are enough legitimate reasons for opposing George W Bush without concocting new ones." The same should be said by intelligent conservatives about John Kerry. In addition, we should all look for a specific number of legitimate reasons for supporting a candidate, or we create a climate in which attack ads proliferate.