The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72624   Message #1253189
Posted By: mg
21-Aug-04 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: RE: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Why is the future hopeless? It can go all sorts of ways, but here are some good newses..

1. Birth control. We have it and some of the major religious influences that led to overpopulation have declined in authority.
2. Desalinization. Up and running.
3. Solar energy. Up and running.
4. Wind energy. Up and running.
5. Gramin (sp?) banks and miniloans. He has calculated how poverty can be eliminated through microloans.
6. Health care -- screening cloths for guinea worms; window screens already invented against mosquitoes. We now know more about diabetes and can prevent or reverse it in many people --- and it is hte hidden culprit behind much heart disease etc.
7. Drugs -- many natural methods will be rediscovered or used. See above. Many drugs are for heart and cholesterol etc. and misused and unnecessary once underlying problem is fixed through diet and exercise for many people.
8. internet. Every single person on the face of the earth could fairly soon have their story told or communicate with every other person on the face of the earth.
9. Voluntary simplicity..what more do people in moderate climates need than shelter out of rocks and a bit of wood and glass (rocks and sand for glass found in poor countries..or indigenous..either way is good). A few goats and sheep and chickens and some biointensive gardening (google under Vietnam and VAT I think)and your needs are about met. And a fish pond.
10. We already invented Scotch tape and polyester and superglue. WHat is left to invent?
We've already invented levitating trains haven't we? Just run them at least on flat lands and avoid a lot of air travel.....never could understand why planes had to fly so high.

We have already invented sails. Just put them to use again. Likewise windmills.
I suspect we will go back to more local economies at least for food growing. That is good. With smaller populations we don't need to keep escalating everything...
They know how to make earth houses and fire them to make a supercheap and stury dwelling for many people. Housing problems solved.
Still problems with insects...but good construction and sanitation, screens etc. w ill help a lot.

Typhoons..I ahven't figured that one out. Reversing population trends will help. Some sort of high shelters...send water to desert countries...

Seriously..should be a way to channel that water. Could you have some big bladder to fill with typhoon water and tow to Santa Barbara? They tow iceburgs all the time. and it is hard to lassoo an iceberg I presume.

Redistribution of world's resources: can be done. For one thing we have many things that others could use that our choking us..extra clothes, metal from appliances and old cars, old tires that could be cut into sandles. We are not good about sending stuff on like the old missionary barrels. Need aid agencies that collect and ship stuff (Deseret does I think).

Education: going to be easier with Internet etc. Also with fewer children, better nutrition etc. Education has to be based on occupational needs...train your nurses, engineers, electricians, plumbers, teachers first.

Well, that is enough optimism for one evening. mg