The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72624   Message #1253377
Posted By: van lingle
22-Aug-04 - 07:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: RE: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Taking the low road is about all that's left for Bush and the fact that he's gone after Kerry's military record is an indication of just how desperate they've become when you considere his own history as a slacker.
While I recognize that the difference between the individuals that have any realistic opportunity of becoming president is narrowing all the time there are at least two excellent reasons to choose Kerry over Bush,IMO.

1. Kerry would slow the concentration of wealth in this country to the extremely wealthy by rolling back Bush's unecessary tax cut for the upper 1 or 2 percent.

2. More importantly, I'd better trust him to make more reasonable appointments to the Supreme court should they arise in the next 4 years. When you consider the conservative ideologues Bush has appointed to lesser federal benches any appointments he'd make to the high court would seriously throw out of balance an already conservative court.vl