The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72624   Message #1253469
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
22-Aug-04 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: RE: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
I think some of the comments of Micheal Coren need to be disputed.

" The million Arab citizens of Israel are not always first-class citizens. But they have the vote. More democratic rights than their Arab relatives across the border in Egypt or Jordan."

If this were actually true, there would be no Hamas or Palestinian Intifadas.

" many Iraqis are acting like brutal and irrational thugs."

As equally many Israelis who demolish homes and take innocent lives.

"Saddam Hussein kept his country in order by ruling as a murderous tyrant yet faced very little opposition. Where were these brave Islamic militants then? "

They were being suppressed with the help of those in the US who were focussed at that time on Iran.

" But this can't justify blowing up churches, killing innocent Iraqi people and beheading foreign truck drivers. I'm tired of various so-called "holy" cities, holy men and holy ideas. None seem very holy or capable of giving people a life of dignity and safety."

Theocracy has a tendency toward unholy acts whether in the USA, Israel or Palestine.

"Not supposed to say that while the humiliation of Iraqi prisoners by American soldiers was bad, it was nothing compared to the routine torture that takes place in most of the Muslim world. Yes, most. Egypt, Iran, Syria, Jordan and the rest. It was still wrong. Yet look at the reaction. "

Israel is culpable as well. Atrocities occur on both sides. This is true with
Vietnam and Iraq as well.

"As you read this another Muslim is being beaten, tortured or killed by other Muslims. No free press can write about it, no free people can protest about it. "

This also applies to the press that is embedded with American troops in Iraq.
No oppposition view of American foreign policy by any Iraqi will find it's way into the American press today. For this we rely on smaller publications and the internet.

The problem is that ideology of one country with a propensity for Theocratic thinking feels justified in the inflicting injustice on another. This is the crux of not only the Israel/Palestine problem but the failed US foreign war policy.

That said, there is a difference of viewpoints in both the Muslim and Israeli communities that are not in lockstep with their governments.

Bobert, Nader is taking Republican money so that the Republican investors
can put him on the ballots to take Democratic votes away. Hence, a vote for Nader is now really a vote for Bush. Nader has not repudiated taking this money which if he were sincere, he would have.
