The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72660   Message #1253575
Posted By: Don Firth
22-Aug-04 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Secularism, Patriotism & Religion
Subject: RE: BS: US Secularism, Patriotism & Religion
Excellent topic for discussion. I have also risen close to the top of my library's hold list for the same book.

For a world view and historical background, not specifically of this topic, but of some of the philosophical errors that have brought us to this point, I highly recommend the book I am currently reading:   The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason, by Charles Freeman, here.

In some of the reviews of this book, the reviewers miss an important point that Freeman makes, in fact, a major point: Greek philosophy is not one single body of thought, and should not be thought of as such as the reviewers seem to do. In what we now cavalierly toss into the same pot and call "Greek philosophy," there were two strongly opposing systems of thought. It was Aristotle versus Plato. Early on, Christianity did borrow heavily from Greek philosophy, but it borrowed from Plato rather than Aristotle. It was not until a thousand years later, with St. Thomas Aquinas, that Aristotle re-emerged, but in a highly distorted way. This whole Aristotle versus Plato schism accounts for such modern day conflicts as science and evolution versus Creationism. And this philosphical dichotomy, in turn, strongly influences American's current political climate.

Don Firth