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Thread #72624   Message #1253750
Posted By: GUEST
22-Aug-04 - 05:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: RE: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
"I realize that a lot of you can for some reason sort it out a lot better than I can but I am not going to try to sort it out at all. Got it? mg"

Well, that pretty much explains how the crooks and liars keep hold of the government, doesn't it? With citizens like Mary Garvey we don't need terrorists, now do we? Rather than do the hard work of fulfilling their citizenship duties of participating in the democratic institutions of our nation and society by informing themselves of the facts before casting an informed vote, the Mary Garveys of this world would rather "believe them all" (presumably this means all the military characters in the Bush/Cheney Republican Right passion play. Any Mudcatters who have been around for long knows how much Mary worships the military, rather than informing herself of what the hell is actually going on in the world.

No wonder our country is the mess it is today. It is the Mary Garveys who are messing it up by worshipping the military instead of doing what the constitution requires they do as citizens of the US.

Well Mary, your willful, stubborn decision to refuse to accept the facts, says it all. You aren't going to participate in this democracy you claim to love, because you are "too confused" by the facts.

Pardon my French, but what a load of it. You are conveniently too confused in order to continue believing the liars.