The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72624   Message #1253826
Posted By: GUEST
22-Aug-04 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
Subject: RE: BS: Bush-Kerry: Beyond the Personal Attacks
She means that, like the True Believers leader George W. Bush, she operates on faith and belief, usually to the exclusion of the facts. They aren't the least bit curious about the facts, and the Republican True Believers, beginning with Bush, knows what they believe, and that is the end of the subject. Case closed, as Mary Garvey so succinctly said herself in her last post.

These are not people who engage in critical thinking of any sort, nor do they welcome rigorous examinations of the Bush doctrine, the Bush record, the Bush policy decisions, etc. These are people who believe, as do the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, that they can only pledge their loyalty to Commander in Chief Bush. At the heart of the attack against Kerry, is the insinuation that if Kerry were to be elected, loyal Americans should NOT view him as the ultimate legitimate executive of the nation and it's commander in chief.

Which is to say, they are so lost and deluded, they truly believe that a mutiny against a democratically elected Democratic president, would be better than accepting the will of the electorate.