The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1253848
Posted By: Cllr
22-Aug-04 - 07:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
I know who you are timbo and you are not josh. I just didn't want to draw attention to it. The comments from josh are regurgitated BNP propaganda.
WLD- John Major was an excellent politician and a nice bloke to boot I was lucky enough to meet him sevral times and a university friend of mine wrked with him for six months. His intefrity is peerless ( intended joke for those who get it) he managed to operate a government that had a negative majority. Kinnock for all his faults was a great orater and produced some of the great speeches of the twentieth Century (from an accepted academic view point) He also started off the modernisation of the labour party to enable it to become New labour. Of course any one of the hard left woould say this was a crime of an unforgivable nature, Any one who despises our current system won't have a good word to say about any of the politicians from any of the major parties, and the word democracy gets banded about without consideration for the meaning of the word. Its a bit like good taste and bad taste = bad taste is what I don't like and good taste is what I do like. Some people seem to think this applies to democracy as well. I can understand why people vote BNP but it is racist and I abhore the methods they use. in this thread some people are confusing nationalism with racism they are two different ideologies but rascism has been around a lot longer. generalising on the web and in this sort of thread rarely allows anything but the briefest of opinions unless you are blessed with a clarity of style way beyond my humble abilities or my level of patience. Night all Cllr