The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72400   Message #1253914
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
22-Aug-04 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
Subject: RE: BS: I am not racist but I vote BNP
WLD, you're obviously starstruck on Heseltine and Portillo, so no point expecting you to appreciate John Major's qualities. But for me he is the guy who, together with Albert Reynolds, showed enough courage and vision to start the process that brought peace of sorts to Northern Ireland. Something Wilson, Heath, Callaghan and Thatcher had all attempted without success. (Let me repeat, for the benefit of anyone who doesn't know, I am a socialist, not a Tory.)

Josh, I've never doubted your existence, nor confused you with Timbo, nor thought you were merely peddling BNP propaganda. (For a start, I don't think any true BNP apologist would have lost heart in the cause so quickly.) Admittedly I did have the advantage of having seen your earlier post in another thread (the one where you signed in as "Aston University" I think). But don't be surprised that the slightest evidence of support for the BNP should provoke an extreme reaction. You noted at the outset its thuggish element, and if you got closer to them you would see that this thuggish element prevails in everything they're about. They prey on people's fears, and exploit ignorance. A thoroughly bad crew. (Anyone who classes them alongside communists, SWP, etc as Cllr and brucie have done above is giving them a respectability they don't deserve.)

And frankly Timbo, if Leadfingers does indeed tolerate your stupidity enough to count you as a friend, then you have just lowered him in my esteem. You know precisely what the BNP is all about. To know that, and yet still to give them your vote is crass beyond words. I notice you have made only the most pathetic of attempts to explain why you chose to do so.