The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72649   Message #1255673
Posted By: *daylia*
24-Aug-04 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoker/Non-Smoker?
Subject: RE: BS: Smoker/Non-Smoker?
Is it bad for you when you smell smog?

The exhaust from your car? Your snowmobile? Your boat motor? Your lawnmower?

Is it bad for you when you smell factory fumes?

Traffic fumes?

Fresh Asphalt?

How about fresh gasoline, furnace oil, natural gas?

Is it bad for you when you smell your local sewage disposal plant?

Your local pulp mill?

The stale lifeless recycled air in public buildings and other enclosed spaces?

Your neighbour's pipe tobacco?

Your neighbour's barbeque?

Your neighbour's new painting project?

Your neighbour's cigarette?

Your neighbour's backyard campfires?

Is it bad for you when you smell your neighbour's cheap body mist? (you know, the one who makes your eyes water and burn and induces fits of sneezing)

How about when you smell the blood of another holier-than-thou self-appointed messiah?