The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14547   Message #125588
Posted By: katlaughing
19-Oct-99 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Oct 19)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Oct 19)
I love your imagery, Peter, and the insights. I have to confess, though, sometimes I get a real thrill from all of the pomp etc. It's probably just some leftover romantic notion which I can either blame on past lives or Walt Disney, ala Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella. These days, though, I prefer the pageantry of Sacred dance presentations by Tibetan monks or the Grand Entry dance at a Powwow. Perhaps this is so partly because of the drumming involved, instantly connecting me, through the "sole" vibrations in my feet, up through my body, straight to my heart, with Mother Earth and all of her beings. Perhaps it is because it seems or feels more ancient and more of the natural world which I revere. I guess it doesn't really matter why. Just 'tis.

About that to Spaw...he's making some arrangements for Cletus at the laundromat, I think.**BG**
