The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72751   Message #1255882
Posted By: Sorcha
24-Aug-04 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Unusual Baby Names
Subject: RE: BS: Unusual Baby Names
OK, neices names...Jonikka, Rivon and J'Nae
Friend's names...JanNora and JaNelle
Please try to stay away from the weird spellings of common
Felitchia (Felcia), Umenda (Amanda), Umbher (Amber). I honestly think these are mostly the result of illiterate parents not knowing how to spell.

No Marys. Mine is Mary (Maaaa-reee with a Sothron accent) and I hate it. thank gods and goddesses I'm not Adaline too, as was my gran...Mary awful. Not as awful as some but pretty bad....

Our kids are Lucas Cameron Wise and Kelsey Catilin Wise...LOTS of choices for nicknames in both.....which was what I went for in case they didn't like their Call Names....(but I do dogs too, LOL!)

Good Old Fashioned ones I like: Emily, Eleanor, Bess and Bessie, Thomas (but only if he is called Thomas, NOT Tom or Tommie...)

I tried to stay away from anything that could be 'ie'd'....Jimmie, Billie, etc....and NOT fond of Two Name in Billy Bob....

Also, try to fit the syllables and soft hard sounds to fit with the last name....harder with girls as they may change their name to a husband's name later.

I really, really wanted to name our Lucas Cameron....Oengus (Angus) Ramsey.....but it falls flat with Wise.....NEEDS a Mc name....and he is so thankful I didn't name him 'after a cow'.....LOL. I also intened to call him Cameron or Cam....but his granda introduced him to the world as Luke and that was it for that.

Remember, the kids have to learn to spell it......early on.