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Thread #72452   Message #1256029
Posted By: Dewey
25-Aug-04 - 04:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
Subject: RE: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
I understand your point reguarding the moral decay of the nation. I also see *THAT* more as the issue than the population getting an influx of other religions.

We would be somewhat LESS of a nation, if we told other human beings which God they MUST Worship. It is after all: a free country.

I believe many of the founding fathers DID read the Bible, i.e. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson etc.

I also know that despite there Christian experiences, they also taught religious tolarance and acceptance toward all cultures and religions, and also believed in a "Supreme Being"

This is the God of the United States, in the founding fathers time as well as now. It was made so, not because the founding father didn't have their own views on God, they certainly did. They just understood the importance of the free discourse of ideas as well as the moral necessity to Rely on a higher power for guidance (i.e. God)

If you think that christianity is declining however, I would strongly disagree. Actually I believe there are probably more christians now than ever before, and churches are flurishing (Just look in you local phone book for Christian Churches and I am CERTAIN you will find more of this variety than any other PERIOD. So I can't see the problem as that.

I think if America is to be a strong nation it has to sincerely believe in the right of freedom of religion and political discourse. I know Franklin had a lot to say on that in his writtings. I have always admired the man because he had an OPEN mind.

For example, established Christianity in America would be far from open: and there is a good and logical reason not to let the Jerry Fawell's and the Pat Robertson's of the world make the laws of the Nation. I can't think of anything more anti-democratic than that.

I think the old addage and song, "You go to your church and I'll go to mine" applies here.

I see the ungodliness not so much in the fact that America has synogues and mosques (however you spell it) But in the General Lack of Morality over all. This is the real SIN, not the fact that everyone in America is not Christian.

When for example America allows Howard Stern on prime time radio and television, (and in front of our young people and children) to talk about oral sex and and asks various guest to strip before him and show him their "Arse". Then the country has a real moral crisis on its hands. Judgment will come on America for THESE THINGS ONLY, not freedom of choice, even Jesus did not DEMAND we be christian, that was our choice and a free choice at that.

Please stop fearing Christianity as on the decline, it is still number one in American Society. As for the moral standards of the country that is another issue entirely.

America HAS turned away from God but not because it tolerates other religions and fellow citizens. I see this more or less as healthy for the nation not harmful. For example, Go try living under the Iranian government's policy of religion if you doubt me.

Sure we Christians lose a few battles (i.e. the Ten Commandments, prayer in school, the controversy over the pledge of allegence etc.)

Just Remember it isn't bad to have separation of Church and state, even if some of those people out there (atheists, anti-christians etc.) occasionaly have there way with policy. One still can go to a church of one's choosing and read the bible. I know my own is within less than a foot of me, and no-one from the government has come around yet to take it from me, and much like the heritage of my flag, the Country will always have Jesus in their hearts and in their homes, As for how they live their lives nowadays, that is another issue entirely.

Peace to All From a Loving God

Dewey (The Tolerant, Christian Heretic)