The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64921   Message #1256413
Posted By: Chris Green
25-Aug-04 - 12:08 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Dirty limericks [12]
Subject: RE: BS: Dirty limericks
There was a young monk from Algeria
Whose morals were somewhat inferior
One night for some fun
He knocked off a nun
And now she's the Mother Superior.

I saw this bloke on television
Who signed up for a cheap circumcision
But the blade slipped somehow
And unfortunately now
He's testicularly deficient.

There was a young fellow called Reg
Who was shagging a girl in hedge
When along came his wife
With a large carving knife
And cut off his meat and two veg.

And on a cleaner note

There was a young man from Japan
Whose limericks just wouldn't scan
When they asked him why
He replied "Because I
Like to get as many syllables into the last line as I possibly can!"

I started this one but am stuck for rhymes.

There was a young man from Sri Lanka..

Any suggestions gratefully accepted! (fnar fnar!)