The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66433   Message #1257044
Posted By: Bobert
25-Aug-04 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
You been 'round the boy when he's on the prezels, Martin?

Didn't think so...


p.s. But seriously fir one minute. There was a guy who attempted to ask Bush some questions from the floor of a recent political event in Martinsburg, WV, who was not only removed, threatened with arrest but showed up to work the following morning only to be told he was fired.

In another situation a professor wore a Kerry tee-shirt to a Bush rally and was harrassed verablly and told he would have to remove it. The same professor wore a Bush tee-shirt to a Kerry rally and was not ahrrasssed or even confronted.

Now no one go getting thinking that this ol' hillbilly from these two reports that I'm votin' fir Kerry 'cause I prolly ain't but it does suggest that the "culture" within the Bush camp is a little further down the line toward fascism...

Fascism is a culture more than a form of governemnt. Once you get the peanut gallery on board, the rest is easy. It almost doesn't matter what kind of governemnt you *say* you have...

That's what is so very dangerous in the US today. It is becominf less tolerant and more nationalistic by the minite... That's what I mean by culture... Hard to change that stuff...
