The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72731   Message #1257107
Posted By: Fibula Mattock
26-Aug-04 - 02:10 AM
Thread Name: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
Right, listen up!
Upon arrival, participants will be herded into one of two groups: those carrying instruments externally and those carrying theirs internally. Those with external music-making equipment will accordingly be shepherded into a cosy barbed-wire enclosure where they will be branded with a big "T" (for tunes) on their forehead, and will spend the rest of the weekend plucking forlornly at said equipment in a melancholy manner. Those who prefer the dulcet tones of the human voice will be penned into a seconding holding area and branded with a large "S" (for songs) and can while away the remainder of their visit raising their voices in tuneful protest. Those who can both play AND sing will be pelted with shaky eggs by both groups silmultaneously (better start ducking, Terry!).