The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72785   Message #1257189
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
26-Aug-04 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
Subject: RE: BS: Poll - Stop Flaming and Abusive posting
I've often wondered whether the compromise situation of having BS member only would be an improvement.

Overall though Guests have not managed to upset me but some members have hurt me very deeply. I broke the number 1 rule round here and even though I was completely honest in everything I said (although I don't think my methods were right on reflection), I got accused of all sorts, the best being a PM sent to Pip by Susan telling her what I was like - Pip could not believe what she had read and was so horrified she showed me.

I choose to post as a guest now not to be underhanded or to cause trouble - I try to be polite and construcive in whatever contributions I still make. Although there remain many people I have great respect for, I simply no longer want to be a Mudcatter as I don't belive in the double standards and 2 facedness that exist with some, probably few but vocal ones, within the ranks.

I didn't stop long at the Yorkshire gathering this year for similar reasons. I'd had a couple of people emailing me asking if I would attend and can't deny that having transported sorcha up there (the only reason for the journey) I did enjoy meeting Micca again, seeing Catsphiddle, etc.. I didn't want to stop there as I felt ultimately at some time my position would have been compromised, perhaps even by someone meaning well, in such a way that my options would have been either to "confess to telling lies" when I had at least had told the truth or stand ground on what I believe in the full knowledge that I would still therefore be considered a trouble maker and an enemy of Mudcat. It was much easier for me to be polite and enjoy the company for 30 minutes and walk out friends with those present.

When I put that sort of thing in the context of considering that plenty of places like,, and alt.banjo that I visit at least once a day, have no means of moderation yet never get close to the levels of nastiness achieved here, I do think one question that should be asked is whether or not some of the problems here rather than being Guest creations, are Mudcat creations.


(who will probably get attacked for this post by those who don't believe some things happen and prefer to live in a non-existant cosy land where everything is idyllic)