The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72751   Message #1257245
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
26-Aug-04 - 09:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Unusual Baby Names
Subject: RE: BS: Unusual Baby Names
Gueszt of 25 Aug 04 - 11:23 AM wrote

"Also try to imagine them as eighty year olds. There are going to be an awful lot of grannies called Britney and Courtney one day."

and reminded me of a high school friend's brother. This was in the mid 60's so the poor bugger was born in the 50s & his parent/s named him Sonny. Very a-typical name for the period, & well before hippies & alternative people started giving children unusual names. Somewhere in Oz there is a bloke a few years younger than me who answers to the name of Sonny. Maybe he changed it years ago to George or something like that, & now just cringes when his old Mum calls him that in public.

aunt to Jack & Gizelle - Jack got his name from the nickname his father John got from his workmates, & I can't remember how Gizelle was named, tho her mother is Edwina, & has a sister Roxana & 2 brothers with very traditional names.