The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67799   Message #1257538
Posted By: fshamuseatherhead
26-Aug-04 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Tarred and feathered
Subject: RE: Folklore: Tarred and feathered
Joe: regards the tarring and feathering "hurting" ... yeah, it sure did. the tar was hot and the rail ride cut my crotch open. the feathers didn't hurt a bit. worse than the tarring was the "cleaning up" process. the doctors decided to use kerosine instead of turpentine. my skin was sore for weeks and the tar blistered and burned me. another factor was the embarassment I went through. in the ER everyone was shocked and amused. some folks made jokes and I got some rude remarks from staff and the cops. It was not much fun. The whole thing took three weeks to get through. I still have bad feelings about the experience. All this because of a scam. Weird.