The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72452   Message #1257541
Posted By: GUEST,Blackcatter at work
26-Aug-04 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
Subject: RE: BS: America WAS a Christian Nation
What I don't understand is why so many followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are uptight and fretful about things outside their religion. I am a Unitarian and a Pagan and am entirely comfortable about my faith and practice and an genuinely happy when other express thay have a chosen path (or in the case of non-believers - have that).

I only get bothered when someone expresses hatred about my faith or if they belittle it. I will defend my faith at that point, and will take measures to fight for my and other people's rights to practice those faiths in this country.

I've been a witness in 7 child custody hearings in Florida and Tennessee. Each case revolved around a father who wanted to take the kids completely away from their mother simply because she was a Witch/Pagan. Luckily, the courts in each case eventually held up the mother's rights to practice a religion that was not harmful to herself or her children. But in several of the cases this happened AFTER the kids were forcably removed from the mother's care by law enforcement agents.

That is why I fight against the religious "right" whichever faith they may claim to be. Their intollerance of other's faiths not only hurts good people, it pushes the human evolution back to the level of the Crusades.