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Thread #66433   Message #1257568
Posted By: PoppaGator
26-Aug-04 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
I'm glad that the *entire* article was posted. The author seems to have already edited it sufficiently; it's quite eloquent, all meat, no filler.

As for you crybabies who don't want to see your favorite corporate patsy (er, oops, I mean president) being "bashed," perhaps you didn't notice that the article takes great pains *not* to identify the danger of fascism with any particular individual, but on the contrary, warns us that the threat to our freedoms could easily come from any corner, any party.

On the other hand, of course, if the shoe fits, wear it!

The most readily identifiable potential villians, naturally, are the group we were warned against by that great Republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower; he coined the term "Miltary-Industrial Complex" to identify them in his farewell address. It's too bad that today's Republican insiders show no understanding of what that great general and president was trying to tell us.