The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66433   Message #1257597
Posted By: Once Famous
26-Aug-04 - 04:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
First of all, Wesley, it is apparent that you do not know a hot dog from what is between your legs.

Chicago is world famous for it's Kosher hot dogs, eaten and enjoyed by it's citizens from all walks of life.

For the great unwashed like yourself, Kosher hot dogs are made from all beef under the best of conditions. Hot dog stands in Chicago, many of them one of a kind small businesses, out number the fast food chains and most have loyal followings with much competiton amonst themselves which, in our good old fashioned capitalistic way, promotes a better product.

I'm not telling you that you can't put heinz ketchup on your "bloody" hot dog or on a bloody head wound either. I'm just telling you, plain and simple that your knowledge about such a simple subject is extremely limited, and that in this great city by the lake, you would be ridiculed, laughed at, and scorned as someone who is totally clueless.