The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72774   Message #1257610
Posted By: Don Firth
26-Aug-04 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Subject: RE: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Without getting involved in what I believe one way or the other, I offer this hypothesis:

For those who feel that science, and its theories about cosmology and evolution, contradicts the belief that God "created the heavens and the earth" and all the critters therein, etc., methinks these folks believe in a somewhat puny god. If their god had (and still has) to piddle around with every niggling little detail, like how many legs a centipede should have and whether or not to power the sun with hydrogen or kerosene, he must not be very good at organization. Not a god I would be confident in praying to, because he'd be much too busy chasing down bugs in his programming and fixing kludges.

Now, were I to believe in a god (and not saying whether I do or don't—that's strictly between me and Zeus), it would have to be one who could say "Let there be ylem!" and the whole thing would start with a Big Bang, and the rest would simply follow. Sort of like God giving a might poke to the cue-ball, and knowing ahead of time which pockets the other balls would wind up in. Now there is a God!

The only conflict between science and religion is in minds too small to grasp the Greater Realities.

Don Firth

P. S.: As to whether "W" believes in evolution, he hasn't evolved far enough to even think much about it.