The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66433   Message #1257611
Posted By: Wesley S
26-Aug-04 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Marin - First of all I have a firm grip on what's between my legs. And it's not unwashed.

Second - I can discount anything you have to say because you're a yankee. Your brain is frozen like your hot dogs. You can't help it.

Third - If you need to know about beef - come to Texas - we have a little bit of it down here. Who do you think kept your packing plants open and busy all these years ? Texas beef.

Fourth - Of course all of your hot dog stands are small businesses. When they start making any money somebody named "Al" will come by and offer some "protection" - and I'm not talking about sheep parts wrapped in plastic.

Fifth - Granted - you have more of a grasp of simple subjects.

And - Sixth - Try to keep up - you'll have to move onto your other hand - I would consider being "ridiculed, laughed at, and scorned" by the unjailed people of Chicago as a badge of honor.

PS - The "great city by the lake" is Duluth