The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72774   Message #1257761
Posted By: Bill D
26-Aug-04 - 09:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Subject: RE: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
GROK--you do not explain the proof of evolution in a couple of short paragraphs, but briefly it is like this....

as more & more anthropological evidence is uncovered, we see more & more connections by dating the strata in which bones are found and the bones themselves and showing that various changes TOWARD what we are now follow the dates for the evidence. Early use of tools comes in, in later artifacts. It simply all falls together in ways that cannot be explained any other way.
   Add to that the relatively new science of DNA analysis, and we can show how close we 'special' primates are to the not-so-special ones, and point to the specific genes that changed to allow US to have different brains, hip joints..etc..We are, simply, the result of luck, as one or two individuals had fortunate mutations, and managed to survive to pass the changes on.

Can we still debate about the details, and precise order, and which genetic 'lines' were dead ends, but the **general** theory, that we did evolve from lower forms of life, is simply too compelling to ignore. Those who doubt that basic set of postulates either do not understand how evidence works, or have emotional barriers set up that will not let them face it---like the mother who says, in face of evidence, "MY boy could never have done that!!"....

If your objection/reluctance is religious, I and others noted above what you can do to reconcile it...if you just don't understand the scientific method and its weight, I don't know what to say--you can study, or ignore. If you just don't LIKE being related to the apes and feel offended that anyone would suggest it, there is little I can say. I am who I am, no matter whether my 10,000X great-grandfather lived in a tree or was dumped into the Garden of Eden...and frankly, the ape explanation has REAL evidence to support it.