The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72814   Message #1257795
Posted By: Bobert
26-Aug-04 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
Subject: BS: Open Letter to Kerry Supporters...
Dear Kerry Supporters,

First of all, Bush realy sucks. That's the good news.

So does yer guy. That's the bad news.

He is a typical Democrat. Democrats have been loosing election so long that they think the formula for winning one is acting like Republicans, ahhhh, which they have become very good at doing.

Kerry is no different.

I mean, lets face it, ya got two rival fraternaties in the the Republican and Democratic Parties. They trade issues like old women trading gossip. Don't matter then issue. Fiscal responsibility, Welfare, Education, ect. Don't matter what the issue is. If one is for it the other is against it.

Problem is that they seem to be arguing over isssues that either fall in the middle or on the right side of the spectrum. No, it's not about whether a Department of Peace could be helpfull in the supposed War on Terrorism but just how to reorganize the intellegence (fir lack of a better word) agencies.

It's not even about the rightness or wrongness of the Iraq War but how best to save face.

The real issues that progressives (and even libertarians) are concerned about are not on the table. And why? Like I said, them discussion is from the center to the right.

As long as the Democratic Party wants to play over there with the Republicans then, hey, I don't think I can vote for them.

Earlier this year I mentioned here that I might even work for the Dems but that, given their mealy mouthed platform, ain't worth working for. There's nothing progressive about it... Just a bunch of the usual Democartic babble at election time around the same old worn out themes.

Kerry is going to loose. You know it. I know it. And why? He's not offering the American people a different vision but the same old threadbare pablum.

Sorry to the be barer of bad news.

Nadar, Green 'er don't vote in '04...
