The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72774   Message #1258562
Posted By: Bill D
27-Aug-04 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
Subject: RE: BS: Does 'W' Believe in Evolution?
all 4 of Rabbi Sol's explanations require one to already believe that a religious explanation IS correct. That is, IF your basic question is "HOW did God do it?", then any of those explanations are possible.

If your basic question is "DID God do it, and how do we know this?", then none of those explanations are easy to deal with, as there are other ways to explain most of the events of history.

Explanation #4 is particularly puzzling for someone like me, who wants to ask..."What might have happened?" instead of "How does God test us?"
....yes, ignoring the evidence of radioactive carbon testing and making assumptions about "7 previous worlds" would indeed give one status as a True Believer, but if I got my ability to think and analyze FROM a God, then He also gave me the ability to see a badly designed test..*wry smile*. Giving His creations contradictory evidence, and expecting them to accept the least reasonable parts does not feel quite fair to me.

If I remain stubborn and unconvinced, am I playing dice with my immortality? Maybe so...I think it is a safe bet.