The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72649   Message #1258817
Posted By: *daylia*
28-Aug-04 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Smoker/Non-Smoker?
Subject: RE: BS: Smoker/Non-Smoker?
Lookie here!

But hold onto your hat-badges ... this is quite the shocking collection of articles and scientific studies about the therapeutic effects of nicotine and smoking tobacco.

Please, click on the Swedish study showing that smokers and their children are at a significantly lesser risk of developing asthma, rhino-conjunctivitis and allergies. So, my "absurd theories and denial", gleaned from a lifetime of first-hand experience and observation, may be right on the mark after all!

The list of benefits is too long to post here, so please read the articles if you're interested ... and here's few quotes ...

"This information is an example of what the anti-tobacco groups do not want publicized because it fails to support their agenda. Some of the studies report benefits not just from nicotine, but from smoking itself. But of course, according to the anti-smokers, all these scientists have been "paid by the tobacco industry" ... even though this is not true. Sadly, personal slander and misinformation are the price a scientist has to pay for honest work on tobacco."

"The benefits of smoking tobacco have been common knowledge for centuries. From sharpening mental acuity to maintaining optimal weight, the relatively small risks of smoking have always been outweighed by the substantial improvement to mental and physical health. Hysterical attacks on tobacco notwithstanding, smokers always weigh the good against the bad and puff away or quit according to their personal preferences.

Now the same anti-tobacco enterprise that has spent billions demonizing the pleasure of smoking is providing additional reasons to smoke. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Tourette's Syndrome, even schizophrenia and cocaine addiction are disorders that are alleviated by tobacco. Add in the still inconclusive indication that tobacco helps to prevent colon and prostate cancer and the endorsement for smoking tobacco by the medical establishment is good news for smokers and non-smokers alike.

Of course the revelation that tobacco is good for you is ruined by the pharmaceutical industry's plan to substitute the natural and relatively inexpensive tobacco plant with their overpriced and ineffective nicotine substitutions. Still, when all is said and done, the positive revelations regarding tobacco are very good reasons indeed to keep lighting those cigarettes."

"There is no solid proof for any of the diseases attributed to tobacco - just statistics and speculative associations, but the ministries of health continue to lie to the public, in a dazzling display of intellectual, professional, moral and political corruption."

"If the intention of "public health" is to inform the public about the consequences of smoking on health as it proclaims, why don't we see "warnings" such as: "Smoking Protects against Parkinson's Disease," or "Smoking protects against Alzheimer's Disease," or "Smoking protects against Ulcerative Colitis" and so on, alongside with the other speculations on "tobacco-related" disease? Isn't the function of public health to tell the citizens about ALL the effects on health of a substance?

Obviously not. "Public health," today, is nothing more than a deceiving propaganda machine paid by pharmaceutical and public money to promote frauds, fears, and puritanical rhetoric dressed up in white coats."

OK, I'm running for cover now ....
