The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72848   Message #1258860
Posted By: GUEST
28-Aug-04 - 10:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
In answser to the Nerd "Who is David Cobb" challenge, this is the thread to discuss the Green/third party/indie candidate alternatives to the "Anybody But Bush" Democratic party line.

It isn't an open letter to anybody.

Here is an interesting link to a 2001 Green Party article about the well orchestrated campaign by Democrats to put the Green/third party/indie candidates out of business, which quotes David Cobb:

Greens Reject Republican Money

Here is the official Cobb/LaMarch '04 website.

is an article written by Cobb about his 2004 campaign strategy for the party (before he was nominated).

Here is the link to the official Green Party website. That is, the Green Party of the United States.

Just to confuse you, here is the official Greens/Green Party USA website.

Yes Virginia, there ARE two Green Parties in the US.

And here is a quickie Wikipedia article explaining the difference between the two parties.

That should give you something to get started with, Nerd. I truly hope you give them all some thoughtful consideration.