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Thread #72848   Message #1258992
Posted By: GUEST
28-Aug-04 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Tell you what Don. I have no problem accepting "the fact" that either Bush or Kerry will win the election.

I also agree that no one here is going to change their votes based upon what they read in this thread, because everyone is pretty entrenched in their positions.

But I'd like this thread to change the Kerry v. anybody nature of the threads here. I'm looking beyond November, to February 1st, when the reality of the Kerry presidency begins to sink in.

Can we try it from that angle? And if you are willing to give it a shot to change the same old same old Mudcat Kerry v. Nader or Kerry v. Greens or Kerry v. Bush, let's just assume Kerry has won, and we are now living under President John Kerry.

But before you post anything, please read just one of the articles I link to above:

'Monkeywrench Hope'

I ask you to read that interview with Jeffrey St. Clair, because in that interview, he talks about the very issues we will be debating here in Mudcat next February 1st if John Kerry wins.

Then, let's have a discussion.

Sound fair enough? Let's change the dynamic here. Let's make it interesting, instead of rehashing. Let's imagine, dream, and ask 'what if', and see where it takes our thinking.