The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #72848   Message #1259053
Posted By: Mark Clark
28-Aug-04 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
Subject: RE: BS: Can We Do Better than 'Anybody But Bush'
The US political situation is kinda like a patient with a gangrenous limb. You can argue about the ideal prosthetic replacement, you can theorize about limb regeneration or transplant, but if you don't amputate the limb pretty damn soon, the patient is gonna croak.

The neocons must be replaced, and fast. After that we can discuss rehab and political therapy. This is no time for fine tuning your political consciousness, save the patient first then work on rehab.

I don't know whether anyone's already referenced Garrison Keillor's article for In These Times but folks might want to check it out.

This is do-or-die guys, don't screw it up.

      - Mark