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Thread #66433   Message #1259084
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
28-Aug-04 - 04:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Subject: RE: BS: Intelligent Assessment On Fascism
Amos, I think the article is good and reasonable.

" In today's world, those enemies come at us from two main fronts: they are religious extremists bent on terrorizing us into conversion or they are powerful persons intent on tightening their grip on wealth - and their advantage over those whose work produces it."

I believe that we are seeing this tendency amoung the power elite in Washington today. Americans are being terrorized into conversion by those who own most of the wealth in our country. These are rich Republicans who support their own interests above those of the working class in the US. Some of this terror is being fostered by fundamentalist pseudo-religious groups who are tearing down the Separation of Church and State through their exhortations and enemy posing under the guise of promoting "values".

The Corporation (as shown by the movie with the same title) has become a psychotic entity that is bloodless and lacks compassion for anything but the "bottom line". This is a facistic tendency, in my view. Worker's rights are being trampled upon by indiscriminate union busting and purging. The "whistle blower" is denegrated. It's a kind of "iron heel" that squashes true initiative and productive society.

Also, power is an addiction that feeds on politicians as well. When a politican claims authority by his own pipeline to God, it's time to wonder if the "tendency" hasn't again shown itself. Fortunately, we have checks and balances for that kind of arrogance. Therefore, we are not a facist country as of yet.

It could turn. I think a civil war would have to erupt here first. We may be in the midst of one now.

Thanks Amos for the lucid article and great discussion.
